
Sign Anywhere

Paperless digital signing

Using Sign Anywhere

Sign with just a click

Using Sign Anywhere, customers can review their finance package before agreeing and signing the loan agreement online with just a click.
Key information about the loan is structured into bite-size chunks that are simple for your customers to understand and can be viewed on any customer device at any time, either in store or at home.

Smooth signing process

Customers can use their own device to sign their finance agreement with just a click, at a time and place to suit them. .

Simple paperless signing

Speeds up the application process and keeps your customers in the purchase journey with no break to print documents.

Confidence with digital assurance

Your customers confirm they understand their loan details as part of the signing process, automatically storing this for your records.

Our capabilities

Helping to reduce fraud

Remote Doc Verification is built-in to our online application so your customers can verify their identity online.

Intuitive, quick application

In store, or online, or a combination of the two, your customers can easily apply at a time and place that suits them.

Get in touch

To discuss your business requirements and how Barclays can support you, contact us today.

Explore capabilities

Find out about Sign Anywhere, our Eligibility Checker and more.

Why Barclays?

Find out why we’ve been trusted by business partners across multiple industries for more than a decade.